
The second step in the template is data conversion, including collecting and converting human single-unit data along with a structured representation of any and all behavioural data and task information such that all the information can be organized together into standard data files.

This template doesn’t assume any particular file type or structure or structure within files, and should be applicable to a broad range of recording files.


Once you have the neural and behavioral data collected, and pre-processing (e.g. spike sorting) applied, the next step in the pipeline is to organize the data into a standardized data format - specifically the Neurodata Without Borders format.

Note that this template does not implement any data standards, etc, but rather provides a structured approach to use existing tools to organize data human single unit experiments (see the Resources section for what is used).

Data Streams

For neural data, this template does not include IO functions for raw data files, and custom IO procedures may need to be updated / added.

For behavioral data, this template is generally geared towards parsing task related data from a logfile that is saved out into a txt file, which can be parsed line-by-line. For other formats of behavioral data, customization may be needed.


This pipeline uses a series of existing external tools, standards, and resources to provide a template structure for converting data to a standardized data format. The key resources and tools are briefly described in this section.

NWB & pynwb

Neurodata Without Borders is a data standard for neuroscientific data, based on using HDF5 files.

In order to interact read and write NWB files, we use the pynwb Python library.


The underlying general functionality is all implemented in the convnwb module. This module is then aliased into the conv folder, on top of which any needed customizations and additions can be made.


The ConvertTEMPLATE provides a template structure for converting various data sources into NWB.

Files to be processed will need to be organized into a consistent layout, which should follow the directory structure used by convnwb.

To do so, the template includes:

  • code for parsing task logfiles & organizing data
  • a system for organizing and defining metadata to be used and added during data conversion
  • basic utilities for preprocessing and aligning data
  • script templates to apply conversion procedures to collected data files

Note that this template / procedure does not include pre-processing, such as spike sorting. Any such processing and analysis steps should be done separate to this data conversion.

In order to apply this template to a new task, the following updates are needed:

  • metadata, including required fields and event information, need to be defined
    • this should be done be updating files in the metadata folder
  • the parser and task code need to customized for the task
    • this should be done by updating and in conv
  • processing procedures to be applied during the conversion process need to be defined
    • update with any pre-processing, potentially adding code to
  • the conversion has to be specified, detailing data should be organized in the NWB file
    • this can be interactively explored in notebooks/01-ConvertToNWB.ipynb
    • this then needs implementing in scripts/
  • the scripts and settings need updating for any custom settings / procedures
    • this may include defining and using settings, and/or custom processing steps
  • data files need to organized into a systematic file organization
    • this should be done following the directory layout used by convnwb

After the above, this template should be able to be used for converting data files!

Note that the notebooks implement templates that can be run interactively, however ultimately the goal is to implement procedures in the scripts folder.

Run Procedures

After the above is set up, data files can be converted as follows:

# Prepare data for conversion
python scripts/

# Convert files to NWB
python scripts/

For customization over and above what is detailed above, additional changes may be required to the stored metadata and/or processing code. See the Repository Layout Section for information.